Welcome to Road to Rodeo Queen

Welcome to Road to Rodeo Queen! Let me start by introducing myself:

Hi I’m Julia, I live in California where I currently own a Quarter Horse named Sailor and a Shetland Sheepdog named Katy. I am hoping to use my platform to inspire more girls into becoming rodeo queens by sharing what I have learned, and being a source of information, tips and tricks.

Now that introductions are out of the way lets kick off my first blog post about why I created Road to Rodeo Queen.

In the back of my mind I have been wanting to create a rodeo queen platform since I started rodeo queening, yet something was holding me back. For well over a year I have owned this domain, Road to Rodeo Queen, but I always seemed to psych myself out. I didn’t have years of rodeo queen titles under my belt, or experience competing in high school rodeo, I knew horses but most of my knowledge is in the english world, not western. I kept telling myself that no one is going to want to listen to someone who is still learning the rodeo queen industry.

But in deciding to compete for Miss Rodeo California, I needed to shift my mindset.

If I was going to compete for a state title, I want to be the absolute best version of myself. After all, I only have one chance before I age out, and I don’t want to look back and have any regrets. If I want to be deserving of holding a state title, than it is my responsibility to become the rodeo queen that I believe should represent California. I want to share what I have learned so far, as well as what I will continue to learn throughout my journey.

I hope to be a resource of information, and maybe even spark the interest of girls who did not even know rodeo queening was an option to them. When I first competed in a rodeo queen pageant, I wish there had been more information online to learn from about the ins and outs of the industry. I wish someone had told me rodeo queens even existed prior to seeing a pageant flyer on Facebook one day (side note: At 19, I did run for a rodeo queen pageant before ever even attending a sanctioned rodeo). I wish rodeo queening had been more accessible to me, and now I want to make it more accessible to others. Because I do believe anyone can become a rodeo queen.



5 Basic Requirements to Become a Rodeo Queen