Rodeo Queen pageants: it’s not what you win, it’s what you learn

I was reading a book tonight and it reminded me about the most important aspect of competition. It doesn’t matter what you may or may not win, but rather what you learn from the experience.

Learn as you go

I think it can be easy to get caught up with the thought of winning everything that you can in a competition. But even if you are 1000% prepared, competition day has a history of challenging the one weak spot. I think competition lends a hand on how to be adaptable, how to adjust to whatever comes your way.

I believe win, loose or draw, that every score and placing has something to teach us. I want to become Miss Rodeo California with every fiber of my being, but I am more excited to discover what the competition has in store, because I know I will learn greatly from it.


Rodeo Queen Manners


Its Never too Early